As the month of February comes to an end, so does Black History Month. Over the last 28 days, corporations, schools, celebrities and businesses have celebrated Black History Month in numerous ways. After February 28th, celebrating black history will go silent, no more commercials, editorials on TV highlighting local black history moments or a lesson taught in school. No more celebration or honoring the accomplishments and contributions of African Americans to this country. BEYOND 28 DAYS!

Black History Month started out as a week of celebration in 1926, it became a month-long celebration in 1970. Here we are in 2021, let’s all focus on creating our own narrative and celebrate our African American history 365 days a year. BEYOND 28 DAYS!

The goal of the African American Historical Society of Beloit, aahsb.comwebsite and Facebook page is “To recognize and remember those early African American settlers who came to a strange land called Beloit for the betterment of their existence.” I hope that the Facebook stories have enlightened, inspired and instilled in you a renewed sense of pride for Beloit. Let’s continue to celebrate our African American history and pay homage to those who came before us and those who are still blazing a trail and go BEYOND 28 DAYS!

The family of Hosie and Tishia Cameron, from Pontotoc, Mississippi who made Beloit their home in the early 1920's. 
Their children: Fannie, Sterling, Ruby, Kathleen, Murphy, Heron, Savada, and Evelyn. (Photo found on


Herbert “Herbie” Turman The 1948 National Marble Champion


Barbara Williams Hickman – A True Trailblazer